
Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I swear, since seeing your face,
the whole world is fraud and fantasy
The garden is bewildered as to what is leaf
or blossom. The distracted birds
can't distinguish the birdseed from the snare.

A house of love with no limits,
a presence more beautiful than venus or the moon,
a beauty whose image fills the mirror of the heart.

~ Rumi ~

The minute I heard my first love story,

I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere,
they're in each other all along.

~ Rumi ~

Pour lui ...


  1. Message to my Valentine.

    Roses are red,
    Pansies are purple;
    On the pancakes of life
    You're my Maple Syrple!


  2. Trey - Your poetic imagination has soared to new heights! Happy Valentine's Day, friend. :)

  3. Why do I get the impression that someone is developing a crush on someone else? If you break out singing "On the Street Where You Live", I'll know that's the case. At least that's what I've been known to do.

    Happy Valentine's Day, Invictus. I can hardly tell you how much I appreciate your blog.

  4. Invictus .. beautiful poetry shared, as always! This is the bohemian poet you once posted, if I remember correctly: Love it!

    Enjoy the love and be the love! Happy Valentine's day my friend ...

    on my blog, I have a cool French slam song that is my hope for all!:)

  5. @Utahhiker - Crushes are what Valentine's Day is all about! I'm glad that you like my blog; I appreciate the feedback. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too. Somewhere, over the rainbow, he's waiting for you ...

    @Libellule - Actually, Rumi was a 13th century Persian poet. :) Happy V Day to you, too!

    @Joe - Of course love is in the air! It's Valentine's Day. I have to say, it has taken on a vibrant new multi-colored hue this year. :)

  6. Happy Valentine's Day! Good to read that love is in the air!
