
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gay Love: Some Kind of Wonderful

I stumbled across a video on YouTube the other day, which led me to some other videos created by the same guy.  I decided I wanted to share these with those who peruse this blog.  They all depict gay love as represented in various gay-themed movies.  I think you will agree that the videos are artistic and very well done. (BTW, all of these are no more than "PG-13" and are certainly not pornographic.) You can find more of this person’s videos at his YouTube Channel.



  1. Wow!

    Well, I was moved by the tenderness, and stirred by the touch. I thought this Whitman poem from his 'Calamus' cluster was appropos. It is a bit long but oh so sweet.

    When I heard at the Close of the Day

    When I heard at the close of the day how I had
    been praised in the Capitol, still it was not
    a happy night for me that followed,
    And else when I caroused – nor when my favorite plans were
    accomplished – was I really happy,
    But the day when I arose at dawn from the perfect
    health, electric, inhaling sweet breath
    When I saw the full moon in the west grow pale and
    disappear in the morning light,
    When I wandered alone over the beach, and undressing, bathed,
    laughing with the waters, and saw the sun rise,
    And when I thought how my friend, my lover, was on
    his way coming, then O I was happy,
    Each breath tasted sweeter – and all that day my food
    nourished me more – and the beautiful day passed well,
    And the next came with equal joy – and with the next,
    at evening, came my friend,
    And that night while all was still I heard the waters roll
    slowly continually up the shores,
    I heard the hissing rustle of the liquid and sands, as directed
    to me, whispering to congratulate me,
    For the friend I love lay sleeping by my side,
    In the stillness his face was inclined toward me, while the
    moon's clear beams shone
    And his arm lay lightly over my breast – and that night I was happy.

    I have been there!

  2. Trey, thank you for sharing that poem. It's incredibly moving and resonates deeply within me. I'm sure I'll read it several more times. Again, thank you.

  3. Very sweet and moving and ditto to how Trey feels, nothing like that feeling in the world!

  4. @Trey - Thank you once again for sharing your poet's soul with the rest of us. You elevate our spirits and our discourse and introduce those of us like me who haven't had a lot of interaction with great poetry, to beautiful and meaningful verse. Thank you, friend.


    I like this one on youtube...

  6. Kind of curious what your definition of pornographic is?

  7. @Anonymous (1st one): Thanks for the link.

    @Anonymous (2nd one): Why? What's yours?
