
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Simply Saturday


  1. I love your blog. I have learned so much from you. Thank you! To be honest, there are so many features listed on your blog, it takes forever for it to load, though. That is the one downfall from visiting your blog. :( Any suggestions for helping it load faster?

  2. Great way to start a weekend, IP. Have you heard Roberta Flack's version of "First Time..."? One of the greatest love songs of all time.

    @Anonymous, I've no problems with the loading speed. You may want to break down and move from dial-up to dsl or cable. That might help. :-)

  3. OMG -- that one about unattended children receiving an espresso and a free puppy had me laughing out loud!!! Thanks, this weekly feature always makes me smile. :)

  4. What's the provenance on the sketch? I can make out "Miller" as the signature, but that's little help.

  5. I look forward to Simply Saturday! Thanks Again!!!!

  6. “by the way, i’m wearing the smile you gave me,” perfectly expresses thoughts that I’ve felt many times. And it says it better than I could have imagined.

  7. I'm a little late ... saturday on tuesday! so, I'll take an espresso and a puppy ... so leave me unattended :)

    beautiful shots, especially the rugby silk arms and the wave droplets :)
